HBPSurG 2023

& 3rd Francophone ERAS Coordinator Nurses Symposium

Online meeting ; November 3rd, 2023

It is our great pleasure to announce the HBPSurG 2023, along with the Francophone ERAS Coordinator Nurses Symposium.
HBPSurG aims to gather experts in hepatobiliary & pancreatic diseases, surgery, and oncology for an outstanding interdisciplinary scientific program, to contribute to the learning of young HBP specialists and trainees.
Experts will share their knowledge in the form of Keynote and State-of-the-art Lectures.
Looking forward to welcoming you.
Prof M Adham.
Minimally invasive Hepatectomies
Colorectal Liver Metastases​
Post-Pancreatectomy Complications​
Minimally Invasive Pancreatectomies
Francophone ERAS Coordinator Nurses Symposium​


HBPSurG Program

Moderator – D Cherqui
Chairs – I Dagher, HS Han, A Serrablo

08:00 – 08:20 Implementation and learning curve in MIH. Prof I Dagher

08:20 – 08:40 Anatomical consideration in MIH. Prof A Serrablo

08:40 – 09:00 Advanced MIH. Prof HS Han

09:00 – 09:20 Standardization of laparoscopic right hepatectomy. Prof D Cherqui

Moderator – A Siriwardena
Chairs – D Duda, L Milot, K Mohkam​

10:00 – 10:15 Liver surgical anatomy. Prof K Mohkam

10:15 – 10:30 Surgical standards in CRLM. Prof A Siriwardena

10:30 – 10:45 Robotic interventional radiology. Prof L Milot

10:45 – 11:00  Chemotherapy standards in CRLM. Dr P Robelin

11:00 – 11:15 Future treatments & prospects in CRLM. Prof D Duda

Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery : Past, Present & Future​
Prof C Vollmer (Pennsylvania)

Moderator – J Perinel
Chairs – A Çoker, E Melloul, K Takaori.

13:00 – 13:20 Pre-operative risk evaluation. Dr J Perinel

13:20 – 13:40 Post-operative pancreatic fistula. Prof K Takaori

13:40 – 14:00 Post-pancreatectomy hemorrhage. Prof A Çoker

14:00 – 14:20 ERAS to improve post-pancreatectomy outcome. Dr E Melloul

Moderator – C Wolfgang
Chairs – R Salvia, S Shrikhande, A Zerbi​

15:00 – 15:20 Implementation and learning curve in MIP. Prof R Salvia

15:20 – 15:40 How to standardize MIP. Prof S Shrikhande

15:40 – 16:00 Advanced MIP. Prof C Wolfgang ; Dr B Hewit

16:00 – 16:20 Lessons learned from RCT. Prof A Zerbi

3rd Francophone ERAS Coordinator Nurses Symposium

Moderator : D Merlay
Gestion de la douleur
Cindy Ravasio, Hôpital du Valais, Sion, (CH)
Mobilisation précoce : comparaison de prise en charge entre les 3 pays francophones
Christine Hoarau – Hôpital du Valais, Sion (CH) Olivia Redureau, Corine Cartigny, Anne Freynet – CHU Bordeaux (FR) Shana Bissonnette – CHU Montréal (QC)
Parcours Santé, visite au musée
Laetitia Jourdan, Elise Hillman – CHU Montréal (QC)
Moderator : C Hoarau
Le rôle de l’infirmière ERAS en chirurgie thoracique
Caroline Faydide
(CHUV Lausanne, CH)
La Résonance Énergétique par Stimulation Cutanée (RESC) et le programme ERAS, quelle pratique ?
Doriane Lionti
Lyon (FR)
Quelques recommandations pour réduire le temps de saisie des données dans L’EIAS.
Christine Hoarau, Sion (CH)
Moderator : L Jourdan
Préhabilitation : impact du programme à 1 an d’implémentation.
Florence Abraham, Cécile Cassoly, Lyon (FR)
 Le Programme de préhabilitation active.
Isabelle Doré, Alexia Piché, Montréal (QC)​
Moderator : S Mathis
Implantation du Programme ERAS à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal .
Aliona Minacova, Mohamed El-Qachchach, Montréal (QC)
Gestion du programme ERAS dans le travail quotidien, retour d’expérience.
Stéphanie Mathis, Strasbourg (FR)
Partage de l’expérience d’implantation ERAS en transplantation hépatique.
Cindy Hartman, Catherine Vincent
Montréal (QC)

Organising Committee​

Prof M Adham
Julie Perinel
Dr J Perinel
Florence Abraham
Mrs F Abraham
ERAS coordinator nurse, HCL
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